
Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Canada

Experience a virtual reality home fire and see the difference that fire sprinklers make.

This is a 360° video. Click and drag to look around the room.

A House Fire Can Become Deadly in Less Than Two Minutes

Fire is fast. A fire can become deadly in less than 2 minutes. Synthetic materials burn quickly and produce deadly, poisonous smoke. Step into a real home fire with this 360° video shot in real time during two identical home fires, one with sprinklers and one without. Find out more →

Virtual Reality Home Fire and Sprinkler Burn Kit

HFSC is taking this important educational strategy to the next level with live fire video in immersive virtual reality with user-controlled 360 degree views. Find out more →

The Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition is the #1 resource for accurate,
noncommercial information and materials for consumers and professionals.

why new homes need fire sprinklers

Why Homes Need Sprinklers

Building a home?
Learn about the life-saving benefits of home fire sprinklers.

why new homes need fire sprinklers

Free Resources For Canadian Fire Department

Explore our community risk reduction tools and resources for fire departments.

why new homes need fire sprinklers

Developer Incentives With Home Fire Sprinkler

Trade-ups are available to reduce your costs and help you offer your customers a superior product.

Our Latest News

Sprinklers: More Than Just Life Safety

When the Canadian fire service proposed changes to the 2010 edition of the National Building Code of Canada to mandate sprinklers in all new homes, opponents claimed the installation costs were not warranted, based on an over-simplified analysis – cost to install versus number of lives saved. The analysis failed to consider the sum of the benefits of home fire sprinklers. After decades of living with sprinklers in Canada, there

July 24th, 2024|