Display Banner Artwork

HFSC has created artwork to produce 120.02 cm x 234.95 cm (47.25″ x 92.5″) banners. These are powerful tools to educate the consumer on the benefits of fire sprinklers at home shows and other public venues. Download the PDF to create your own banners.

The basic facts of how fire sprinklers can save lives and protect families.

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why fires in new homes can be more dangerous

Demonstrates how fire in new homes spreads more quickly and is more deadly.

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home fire sprinklers protecting your community

Show your local officials how fire sprinklers save lives, protect property, and protect the environment.

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home fire sprinklers save lives and water

Convince local water purveyors home fire sprinklers save lives and water.

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home fire sprinklers prevent flashover

This Flashover Chart explains how fast home fires can become deadly.

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home fire sprinkler incentives improve community safety

Show your local officials how fire sprinklers save lives, protect property, and protect the environment.

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home fire timeline

Demonstrates how fire in new homes spreads more quickly and is more deadly.

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