The HFSC Blog
NRC research proves the benefits of home fire sprinklers
In 2008 the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) performed extensive testing on the fire performance of Canadian housing. This report was entitled Fire Performance of Houses. Phase I. Study
By Sean Tracey, FIFireEIn our continuing efforts to educate the fire service, municipal officials, and the public about the benefits of residential fire sprinklers, we are sometimes required to clear
Tackling the dangers when people lack understanding of fire risk
By Sean Tracey, Deputy Chief (retired)Chair HFSC CanadaFire safety is an essential component of community safety. But years of experience has taught me that the vast majority of the public
Sprinklers are a key component in creating sustainable communities
By Sean Tracey, Deputy Chief (retired)Chair HFSC Canada In order to advance its 17 Sustainable Development goals, the Government of Canada notes that their achievement “requires a whole-of-government and
How home fire sprinklers increase firefighter safety and reduce cancer-causing exposures
In previous blogs we’ve discussed the obvious life-safety and property-saving benefits of home fire sprinklers. Fires have evolved in the past two decades. They are faster and more toxic due
Sprinklers: More Than Just Life Safety
When the Canadian fire service proposed changes to the 2010 edition of the National Building Code of Canada to mandate sprinklers in all new homes, opponents claimed the installation costs